Monday, February 25, 2008


1. i found the play format over all to be neather frusterating or easy to use. i think that a play format makes it alot easyer for readers to understand the mood and the actions happening in the seen. but i also think that for the play is limited with its settings and its equipment used in the play. unlike a short story you are able to anything you plaese. the strengths i saw in the play format that i liked was that you are able to tell the actors what to do and then to do it. sutch as making an actor run across the stage and having them yell as they run. in a short story you can do this also but i feel like in the play format it is alot more clear as to what is happening. the most frusterating thing that i faced when writing the play was the format. i didnt liek that each actor needs their own ":" i got really tierd of putting those in every thime someone was going to talk. another thing that i didnt like about play formatting was putting the parenthaseez around the stage directions and the actor actions and then italicising it. but other than that i think that plays are alot more easy to read and understand what is going on.

2. i think the most improtat thing that i could tell a 10 year old would be just to be your self and express yourself. i think that most kids now days see trends going on and see siblings conform to them and not be who they should be. al through my schooling years i have spent alot of time trying to find myself, and i still am but i think that once you do find yourself that life is alot more enjoyable. i belive it all depends on the person on how they should express them selfs. i think that to give someone advise you need to realy have a good understanding of the person. i belive that the advise given to the person depends on there personality, thoughts, and choices. for instance, my little brother use to be the most quiest and shy person ever. so i started to encourage him and tell him that what other people think doesnt mean anything. now he is loud and makes a seen where ever he goes because everyones opinion means nothing to him because he isnt scared of expressing himself.

3. i think that great peices of litterature stay around for years because the authors were writing about real problems that were going on in their times and they used laguage that the read could understand and relaite to. i also think that the authors that writ sutch things offer new and improved styles of writing that people are not use to or maybe have never read before. i do not think that i could ever see myself writng something that could stay around for that long of a time period. i wouldnt consider myself as a strong writer but i think that i have a little bit of writnig skills. to be honset i really dont know how or why some of the peices that are hunderds of years old be considerd classics and are so widly looked up to.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


1. i think that a theme can eather be the main peice of the liturature or the not have a impact on the peice at all. i think that to make a great peice of wook it doesnt require a theme. take for example hatchet, good book and won an award. there was no main theme throught the bok and yet it turned out to be a very acoplished book. i think that if a book has rounded characters and has a very well put togeather plot, i think that a theme is not neeeded. on the other hand i also think to make a book were there is no theme and still have it come out as well as you hoped can be difficult. another book i read called Under the Rive, was about a poor mexican boy trying to make money and then dies. to me the book was horrable, there was no theme and i felt like the book lead no were but to the boys death. some people would say that the theme is the heart of the book were it gives it all meaning. in all i think that it depends on how well the author puts the story togeather.
2. if i were to write a play i would try to eather write something funny or a more serious theme. for the more serious theme i would try to comunicate a theme about peace or friendship. i think that it is important to try to keep peace because without it thinks only get worse. people start spreding roomers, friendships ruined, and people get mean and nasty. i also think that frend ship is another very important issue. i belive friends are whom we feed off of for support and love. for me i would mutch rather be with friends than family, i feel that friends are there and support you more than your family. so i would try to incorperate one of those themes into my play.
3. i think that a conflic that i would write about in my play would be a death or a friend back stabbing another friend. or if i were writing about a play with the theme being peace i would have a fight brake out between family or a group of really good friends. i think depending on what your wrting about a conflic may or maynot be helpful. but i think if your trying to begetting a message across from your theme a conflic would be benafical.

Friday, February 1, 2008

3 quetions

1. I belive reading is so important for writers because it is a wy for writers to refresh there way of thinking, to get a new idea or refresh there own opinion. it also is important becasue it allows them to see another side of things and alows them to get more of a indepth opinions on there ideas. In the opening quote to the question it say that reading is inhaling and writing is exhaling, I belive that writers feel this way because tehy love words and reading helps calm them like taking a deep breath. I think that it helps sooth there minds and helps them consintrate on the thoughts they have on there mind. I belive that writers enjoy reading other peoples writing because they can also admire there work that other writers spent time working on.
2. I think a problem that is growing that concerns me is the economy. with rasing gas prices and inflation becomeing a problem, i think that the usa is heading into a resatiion. the only reason that this is concerns me is because i am ganna be driving soon and college is coming. prices will rise and the standard of living will go down. i worrie that getting and keeping a job will get harder and i might have to live with my parents.
3. drawings, photography, and painting really inspiers me. i my self do photograhpy and i really enjoy analizing and critasizing other people art. i think that it is really good to inspect and analize other peoples art work because you can really get a good indeapth look at the artist veiws and fealings about the world and current issues the feel strongly about. i would say analizing and critasizing others art work inspiers me the most. i really enjoy art work because they have alot more depth and meaning than most people would think just by looking at it.