Wednesday, March 19, 2008

i poo on life

just to warn you most of this is just me ranting on and on and on and on and on and on....... you get it. and also.... sorry for my spelling, never been good at it.
im am dedacating this blog entrie to stress and life sucking. everybody has different views of life and even in thier own views life might not be how they may want it to be. i finally got one of those saying that make sence but dont matter until it happens to you, for instance... "you never know what you have until its gone." ive always thought those saying were so lame and only old people with nothing better to do would sit around and make saying up. and they probably do but they are all mostly true. growing up i felt my life was a giant pit of suck. but looking back on it i relize that life was very good to me. ive always had a large variety of friends and never have every really had problems with girls eather. elementary school was good and middle school things got worse, parents devorst, made some bad friends, and got expelled. but in 8th grade i really tuned myself around and relized that there is more to life than just looking cool and having lots of friends. so ive just been living in the moment and trying my best to look at things half full and always showing love and affection to those around me. but its really stressfull some times, i feel like everyone around me just doesnt give a crap about me and the more i show the less i get back. i mean i know that people care aout me.... its just i dont feel like they do. i also find that life is SOOO STRESSFUL. i cant stand to live another day sometimes. in 10th grade i moved to the school im at now, EHS, from EHS (its italasized to show that its old so thats what that means) ironic i know. but its just no the same here, at EHS i knew all the kids because i grew up with them scence kindergarden. and i mean now i have friends but its just not the same. i just find it very stressful coming into this group of friends that have known eatchother for a long time and just jumping into it. but there is one thing that i look forward to everyday and thats my girlfriend. i finally have a relashionship that is much more that phyisical contact. i mean like we hangout not to often but when we do its like us talking and playing out side and what not but i find it stressful that im not one of her top priorities. like i am but yet im not..... we hangout once MAYBE twice a week witch to honsest, it sucks. she ushually hangout with one of her 3 bffs before she hangsout with me. i dont know, i know that i shouldnt complain because i know people who have it alot wores than me. but then there is school. wow school. thats just a topict in itself. and lets just say it my worst subject. i make what you might call barely passing grades so college isnt really a big thing that im looking forward to in the future considering im not going to going a very nice one. my mom is always suprising me with new tutors every week and leaving me soo stressed. but other than that i feel like life is good. i mean what really gets me down is that i feel like im not making the most out of my life and that i could be having so much more fun, you only live once and i want to look back at my life and be very thankfull for what i have. other wise lifes not all that half bad.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Evening Star

Evening Star

'Twas noontide of summer, And mid-time of night; And stars, in their orbits, Shone pale, thro' the light Of the brighter, cold moon,'Mid planets her slaves,Herself in the Heavens,Her beam on the waves. I gazed awhile On her cold smile; Too cold- too cold for me- There pass'd, as a shroud, A fleecy cloud, And I turned away to thee, Proud Evening Star, In thy glory afar, And dearer thy beam shall be; For joy to my heart Is the proud part Thou bearest in Heaven at night, And more I admire Thy distant fire, Than that colder, lowly light.

-Edgar Allan Poe

1. i chose this poem becasue i LOVE the stars. i found this poem very interesting because i like the way the author talks about the stars in his poem.
2. the title for this poem is called Evening Star, i feel like this is pritty self explanatory. in the poem he talks about his aderation for the evening star compaied to the moon.
3. in the begginging of the poem the author uses consonance with the letter t in the sirst few lines. then he uses personafacation and has talkes about the moons smile. i htink that these help influence the poem because in the begining it helps the flow of the poem and sets it off wiht a nice tone and setting. them moves onto beging able to relate to the factors in the poem that you wouldnt ushually be able to relate to because there non human. the style he uses i think really helps the readers imagery through the poem.
4. the tone of this peace i think is peaceful. he talkes about how the moon is so gorgeouse and how is has all the power but is no were as pritty the lonaly star is compaired to the moon.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

writing territories

2. the majority of litertature that i read is short stories. i dont read out side of school and even in school i ushually try to find the shortest and easyest way around reading. i enjoy most stories that are told to me, but im hate to read. mostly because i am a very slow reader and what would take an average person 10 mineuts to read would take me 40. also i am very bad at reading big words, pernownseation, and SPELLING. if you havent noticed already, spelkling is by far my worst quality. as for my favorit thing to read... i dont have a certain type as of now.
i dont really have a favorite kind of writing. i think that poetry is enjoyable when the meaning is deep and personal, but someitmes without the help from a teatcher or peer i can have a hard time interputing some of the meanings. there isnt really anything that i find all to enjoyable to read. there is only one thing that i find enjoyable to read that i do read sometimes in my spare time, and that is artists statments. there ushually on the artists website that states why the artist does what they do and all the other feelings and meanings behind their work.
i dont ushually wrting anythign out side of school if it isnt requierd. i would say that the majority of my writing is done in texting saddly. but in school i find this class enjoyable, i also enjoy wrting about the photography i have set up on a sepperate blog. i get critasized on my spelling alot withc pervents me from sharing alot of my work, i also dont like putting alot of meaning into my work if i know that other people will be reading my work because im dont want to be hrased for something that i think.
3. i find that the thing that is easyest and i enjoy most is wrting about people and the people in my life. i think that peolpe and the interations you have with them in your life are huge. even more so if you have a close relationship with the person. the first time that i relized this was in 9th grade. one of my best friends mother died of cnacer, and all i did for weeks was make her gifts and...